5 Ways Social Media Influencers Affect Your Life

Take a closer look at your personal style. Chances are, an element or two in whatever ensemble you have now has been influenced by a social media personality. You might not want to admit it, but, as humans, we tend to be inspired by the content we consume—and there really shouldn’t be any shame in that! 

Influencers on social media might not have the best reputation in the whole wide world, but no one can deny how effective they are in spreading their message to a wider audience and boosting the visibility of a cause, brand, or business. In fact, a study even found out that 49% of consumers have been influenced by the recommendations of these personalities. 

So, whether you like them or not, here are five ways social media influencers are affecting your life right now.

Influencers Create Communities That We Can Be Part Of 

Social media influencers tend to have a niche that they focus on throughout their careers. It’s because of this that influencers provide a new way for people to participate in online communities. Influencers, whether they're fashionistas who’ve been in the game for so long, video game prodigies, or mental health bloggers, provide a platform for a varied range of interests and identities.

The reason why influencers are so effective in today’s generation is that they aren't just marketing mouthpieces. They are thought leaders who start conversations, drive engagement, and set trends among a receptive audience, putting them in a good position to collaborate with companies on sponsored content. 

Influencers can cut through the clutter of traditional advertising and communicate a brand's message to its target audience genuinely and naturally.

It is through this power that they create communities that will always make you feel welcomed. These are communities that support and look forward to the content their influencers produce and discuss anything relevant to their niche. 

Influencers Bring Our Attention To Important Causes 

A lot of the most powerful online influencers are involved in some form of social activism. Some are raising awareness for sustainability, mental well-being, and environmental justice. 

Influencers' goodwill postings don't go unnoticed; they yield results. Because the influencers share from the goodness of their hearts, the visibility can accelerate a call to action and spark meaningful conversation on the topic. Most importantly, however, this costs the organization nothing. 

Influencers Affect Our Decisions Through Our Desire To Belong 

Let’s take a deeper dive into how influencers work their magic. The concept of social proof states that people will assume something is correct if others have already assumed it. For example, if a large number of people like and share images of an avant-garde outfit online, it automatically obtains legitimacy as a fashion trend.

When an influencer has a large following, it shows the followers that the influencer is reliable and knowledgeable since others agree with what the influencer is doing. We all have a desire to belong, and this is where the psychology of influencer marketing comes in. If consumers come across a popular decision, they can confidently make the same decision because it has been validated. 

However, it goes deeper than that, into our brain's hardwiring. We don't simply use social proof to obtain and analyze facts before making a purchase; we also have an emotional reaction to influencer marketing.

When an influencer endorses a brand or a business, their followers may experience a psychological conformity effect. Because of the influencer's perceived authority and social proof, these followers feel compelled to incorporate this new information into their own preferences and decisions.

Influencers Share Information That We Might Otherwise Miss 

With just a few strokes on our keyboards, we have access to whatever type of information we require. However, let’s be honest—there are only a few people actively looking for this information, and even if they are, they do not find all of the resources available to be trustworthy. 

By classifying these sources as spam, our brain doesn’t let us pay attention to them. Enter influencer marketing. Influencers can be a solid and credible source of information since they interact with their audience on a different level, and so they bypass the brain's filters.

Influencers Feel As Though They’re Friends You Can Relate To  

Despite their massive followings and rising notoriety, content creators are still seen as down-to-earth and “just like me” compared to more traditional influencers. Many subscribers of these content creators follow them because they relate to them or wish they were like them, and so want to connect with them more. 

As a result, consumers look up to content creators as role models to mold their own behavior. It’s even easier for them to copy their actions and behaviors when the influencer feels like a friend. 

What makes celebrities and social media influencers so different is their social distance from their audience. Consumers feel closer to their favorite content creators than they do to celebrities because influencers disclose their lives, often down to their most intimate details, much like a friend would. On the other hand, celebrities may appear remote and inactive on social media, causing followers to become more involved with the influencer and the brands or businesses they promote.

The Power of Social Media Influencers

Social media influencers are not just pretty faces or opinionated people who advertise products constantly. Their influence is more powerful than we think. They can inform us about the latest trends and news, build communities where we can connect, and even shape our opinions and behaviors. With this kind of power, there’s no doubt that they won’t go anywhere soon as more and more businesses and brands utilize their presence.

This lovely article was written by Sophia Young. She is a content writer covering lifestyle and fashion topics. She’s actively participating as a contributor for various lifestyle blogs and has been co-authoring some articles of her colleagues. She’s currently enrolled in a content marketing course hoping to expand her knowledge in digital marketing.