Getting Settled In The High Desert

Dear readers, I am so sorry for my absence but things have been a little crazy in our world. But I did want to pop on here and say HOLA from New Mexico!!!!

Every morning we take a nice chilly walk with our boys where we now have a residence in Santa Fe!!!!

We look out at the horizon to the mountains— a view that’s always made us feel deeply calm. Last summer, we took the plunge of having a house here in New Mexico, and it’s been exciting and so super stressful, super messy and blissful. A total roller coaster and sometimes we truly wonder why we disrupted our peace to have all of this chaos. This just has not been an easy process renovating from afar, the language barrier with the contractors…! And now that we are living here…..the unpacking, the cleaning, waiting on furniture pieces, finding certain things do not work….it’s just been a loooooot.

I am a person who thrives on organization and having the house feel like a home. So I am beyond ready to get these things fixed and receive all of our furniture pieces along with curtains. ( The sun wakes us up here at about 4:45…ugh! )

The risks, the fears, the frustrations…trying to find the adventure in it all.

This whole process has both scary and energizing – there’s a lot at stake in making any big investment, and I’ve heard that having a second home is one of the most stressful and financially draining decisions you can make. And boy was that the truth.

We knew this was a dream worth exploring. We envisioned a place where we could create memories and I know it will all be worth it but right now..we are exhausted.

And I find myself revisiting a newsletter I received from Haley Nahman called “In favor of recklessness,” where she talks about the need to do something that feels crazy once in awhile:

“I am careful and thoughtful, risk-averse and self-disciplined. In some ways these are points of pride, and yet all of my favorite decisions track almost perfectly with times I’ve railed against these qualities within myself… As a result I’ve become increasingly enamored with the idea that recklessness is inherent to a life fully lived. It’s an appealing yet threatening idea, because it takes my biggest fear—that through my own carelessness I will suffer unnecessarily—and posits that suffering is worth it.”

I’ll spare the details of the last few months (almost a year really) all though many of you who have purchased a home will identify with the highs and lows that come from making an offer, getting a loan, wondering if you’re stretching yourself too thin financially, questioning – is this smart or incredibly stupid?, going through inspections, especially on an old house that is in less than pristine condition. We also traded a condo for another condo and that came with so many other questions too. Sharing common spaces with people can be less than ideal.

But here we are, welcoming summer in our tinyyyyyyyy little desert town home and I’m writing this with views of the gorgeous mountains sitting next to an open window with a breeze making me feel like I need to grab a cardigan. Reflecting on last night too as we slept with a view of the stars.

There’s so much more I want to share with you guys about this place and I will soon! I will do a full reveal too but want to have it all set up and perfect.

We love being so close to Tesuque and so close to The Plaza. And the possibilities of building a dream home closer to Tesuque interest us as this little place was always a stepping stone to get into this market!!! More on that at a later date.

Bye for now!!!!