Go French Yourself is committed to highlighting and working with more Black owned brands this year and indefinitely. And today’s feature is all about EINNEM out of Chicago!

 From beautifully customized soy wax candles to one of a kind goat milk soap bars, lavender body mists and room fresheners that promote calm and relaxation, they are dedicated to providing customers with a lasting experience that will keep them coming back for more.


Tell us a little bit about yourself & what made you decide to start EINNIM? 

Back in April of 2009 I was in the midst of wrapping up my finals when I suddenly started experiencing this wild pain in my wrists. Thinking it was “just” Carpal tunnel syndrome, I kept plugging away! Fast forward to 2010, I’ve now been diagnosed with Lupus which would accompany the Rheumatoid Arthritis that I already had. From then on, my days were spent scavenging the local farmers’ markets and any shops that sold Zum Goat Milk Soap bars and body mists in my beloved lavender scent. The mental and physical healing powers of this wonder plant would soon turn into an obsession! Fast forward to today, it is no surprise that 2020 has given us our fair share of roller coasters. After being furloughed as Director of Operations in March, I realized that it was the most opportune time for me to take my passion and turn it into something that would not just help me effectively manage these trying times, but others as well. I started EINNIM with the hopes of helping my fellow immunocompromised friends manage the stress on their mind and body caused by the uncontrollables of our society. In May, I launched EINNIM’s Etsy shop while telling my fiance that I would love to just “see one sale a week.” Shortly after, my furlough turned into a permanent lay off, EINNIM.com was born, and the sales started pouring in! I now start my days at 9 am and wrap up around or after midnight EVERYDAY and let me tell you, I absolutely love it! The support from my family, friends and fiance has been more than I can imagine and motivates me to turn EINNIM into a household name by 2021!

-Where did the name come from?

EINNIM is my grandmother’s name spelled backwards--Minnie. If there was ever a woman that embodied strength, resilience, power, wisdom, it was my “Bigma.” Each day I utter the name “EINNIM,” feel anxious about the success of the business or just feel proud of myself for building a business with sweat capital and my own two hands, I can hear her voice in the back of my head saying, “Don’t make me get my switch!”
Fun fact: For those who grew up with a “Bigma,” you know that those are the few words that
muster up an indescribable motivation that will always run deep through my veins.

-How many of the products do you currently use in your home or day to day life, & what are
your top three favorites?

All of them! But seriously... every, single, one of them. I start my day with the Lavender Body Mist, open my closet door to the aromas of my Lavender Cedarwood Scent Pouch hanging in my closet, light my Tomato Leaf Soy Wax candle at my work station, and wash my hands with the Tea Tree Oatmeal Goat Milk Soap bar for 20 seconds whilst singing the “Happy Birthday” song!
If I HAD to pick my top three favorites, they would be the Lavender Body Mist, Orange +
Cedarwood Soy Wax candle, and my Lavender Cedarwood Scent Pouch.

-Tell us what it’s like to be a female owner of a business? What’s the most fun part & the most

One word, AWESOME. I’ve spent the better half of my career working blood, sweat and tears to get as “close to the sun,” as possible. I sat at conference room tables with all men in corporate offices aching to have my voice heard while feeling as though I was in a bubble. I’ve stressed to friends + family how difficult it was everyday to be a black, young woman barely scraping the surface of the infamous glass ceiling, no matter how hard I worked. I’ve indulged in the nice paychecks while feeling an overwhelming anxiety and depression that stemmed from the need to “lose” yourself to get them.

EINNIM is none of that. EINNIM was built for everyone to feel heard, empowered, and loved
unconditionally. I have vowed to hustle for a business that will employ women of color. Women
peridot. She. He. They. Anyone willing to listen and love. There’s no room for hate within the
metaphorical walls of EINNIM.

-What does a typical workday look like for you? 

A typical workday starts with a review of my list of “Things to Do.” If there’s anything that I’ve taken from my previous career, it’s my overwhelming love for process and organization. My day is not complete unless all tasks for that specific day are complete (checking this one off the list!).
Some days are spent digging into the analytics of my website, some days are spent curating
products, some days are figuring out where the capital is going to come from for my next
inventory order... there’s never a dull moment! There’s no hard stop at 5pm. No “only
Monday-Friday” here. I’ve learned that in order to build the business I want, I have to put in the

-You’re clearly all about living a natural healthy lifestyle. Do you have any tips on how to start
doing that for a beginner? 

Just like my products, I am all about transparency. With that being said, for me it is more about living a life that will bring mental wellness that then turns into physical wellness.
Being immunocompromised for over a decade now, I’ve done EVERYTHING. Strict diets. Strict
workout regimes. You name it! One thing that always stayed the same or somehow managed to
get worse was my anxiety and depression. While 2020 is what one would call “le poo,” I’ve taken this hot mess of a year and turned it into something positive. Everyday I try my hardest to manifest positive energy which then permeates through the atmosphere around me.
Everyone has their own way of finding happiness and I work hard everyday to find mine (some
days are better than others). Whether it is with gut busting laughter and inside jokes between
myself and my future hubby, lavender, lavender... lavender, my furbaby, Punky, or my family.
I’ve had a quarantine engagement, I was laid off from a mentally taxing career which then
forced me to start a business that brings me so much joy and happiness everyday, and my levels
are drastically decreasing, getting me closer and closer to remission! Now, tell me that isn’t a
result of getting your mind right! I love fast food and a hazy IPAs. Going for a run doesn’t excite me, but laughing with my fiance until I can feel a six pack forming does!

So, my tips for a beginner? Do it your way but start with your happiness. Once your state of
mind is headed in the right direction, you’ll surprisingly know where to go from there. And
don’t be so hard on yourself, the body is a piece of art. It takes time and dedication.

-Here are a few simple questions:
Dogs or cats? 

Dogs, dogs, dogs. Especially my love bug, Punky.

-Coffee or tea? 

Tea. All day, everyday. The only time you’ll see me drinking coffee is when I pretty much have to pump it though my veins. Oh, and don’t judge.. but I love a nice cold Red Bull.

-Morning or night? 

Can I say afternoon? That’s when all of the action happens!

-What else are you passionate about? 

Music hands down. Can’t hold a note to save my life and I’ve only played the flute back in elementary school, but before 2020, you could find me at Empty Bottle or Thalia Hall dancing my heart out to some garage punk and/or indie jams!

-How has starting EINNIM changed you & your life?

EINNIM instantly made me care again. Everyday I can feel my creative juices flowing. I get genuinely excited and geek out when I see one of my customers hype the brand up on Instagram. You could probably play a drinking game with the number of times I’ve said “my fiance,” but, (drink!), my fiance has been the best support system and cheerleader I could have ever asked for.
If my mom had social media, she would definitely be an EINNIM brand ambassador. My sister is
my best friend 4 lyfe. I’ve grown friendships with people who genuinely want to see EINNIM
grow and have played a MAJOR role in the success that I’ve seen in a VERY short period of time.
Years of hard work. Success and failure, then success and failure again have all brought me to
this point.

-What does the future have in store for you?

 It is important to note that EINNIM isn’t about getting big then skimping out. EINNIM will stay true to its desire to be a brand that you can count on for quality and attention to detail. The future of EINNIM is building a household name that will continue to provide a genuinely organic product that brings happiness for the mind and body.

Cannot wait to do some shopping!!!

Check out this beautiful brand here!

