Bangs. The boldest fringe option on Le Menu after seeing the new season of Emily In Paris, no?!!

Once you go for the choppity chop-there’s no pinning or tucking that can hide it. It’s a very serious commitment. And it feels like everywhere I look, people are making it – or at least thinking about it!!

Now bangs are not new to me but because I had them before. It was traumatic actually and I did not talk to the hairdresser friend for ages over it! Ha.

Not all foreheads are created equal – and mine was not destined for bangs -or so I thought. I truly think bangs are like dressing to suit your body – get a fringe to suit your forehead and your hair type!

That’s what I did and am quite happy with the results. It’s tough when you are not willing to sacrifice any length but desperately seek change.

What do you think?!!

And have you ever had bangs? Would you get them again? Do you think they’re making a comeback?